From “Third Ways” to the First Way
The search for an economic and political “third way” between socialism and capitalism has been underway since the early 20th century, if not sooner. In Catholic circles, Distributism is a third way...
View ArticleDorothy Day: Anarcho-Capitalist, Perhaps
A Facebook friend brought my attention to the tug of war taking place over the legacy of Dorothy Day in recent months between pro and anti-capitalists. The Catholic Worker has criticized both the NY...
View ArticleA False Anthropological Dichotomy
Not long ago I examined an article by Patrick J. Deneen concerning the intellectual divide between American Catholics. If you will recall, Deenen divides American Catholics into a pro-America/liberal...
View ArticleThe Yertles of Capitalism
Capitalism is superior to other economic systems mainly because it provides equality of opportunity. In contrast, socialism strives for an impossible goal—equality of outcome—and in the process...
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